Injections are available for knee pain arthritis.
(and they’re more affordable than you think on Harley Street)
Just because you have knee arthritis doesn’t mean you need to go under the knife – in fact, an injection might do the trick just as well. London’s prestigious Harley Street is full of esteemed doctors who know all about the wonders of today’s gel injections and stem cell therapy. Let MSK Doctors tell you why a well-timed needle can bring new life to your knees – and how little it might cost (you’d be surprised!).
It’s no wonder you’re looking at several options to relieve your knee arthritis pain and discomfort. This UK-wide musculoskeletal network points to injections as an effective treatment route in many cases – will they suit you?
To answer that question, you first have to understand the central differences between injections usually offered by Harley Street knee specialists. That’ll give you a better idea of which option to pursue in your own case. Read this guide to learn about the most suitable types that you’ll commonly see in the UK.
Injections target the same goal – in different ways.
Among others, you’ll discover:
- Hyaluronic acid (or gel injections)
- Arthrosamid
- Corticosteroids
- Stem cell therapy-based injections
All are popular in medical circles. But why? Although each option varies in terms of substance and procedure, they share a common goal: to combat your pain while stimulating healing – leading to improved joint function and mobility.
“When knee arthritis begins to affect your quality of life, it’s time to consider your treatment options,” writes the MSK Doctors guide. “One effective method that has brought relief to many is knee injections. These injections can reduce pain, improve mobility, and possibly delay the need for more invasive procedures like knee replacement surgery.”
Surgery vs Injections
Injections are preferable to surgical care in several ways – especially if you want a quicker process and a shorter recovery period. Of course, the most significant factor is the cost. When it comes to affordability, injections might be the way to go – here’s why.
MSK Doctors’ document lists a side-by-side comparison of each featured injection method, detailing their estimated costs. Prices vary between one-time injections, doses, and treatment courses, but the highest figures don’t exceed £3000 – and these are significantly lower costs than you might see attached to private hip replacement surgeries on Harley Street.
Moreover, figures can go as low as £200 for some methods – and that means you could save substantial sums with minimal treatment.
But are injections right for you?
Of course, you can’t just walk into your nearest clinic and order an injection on the spot. First, you’ll need to know if it’s suitable for you. What kind of impact is your condition having on your usual activities? Have you already tried painkillers to no avail? These are just some of the questions you need to consider before you opt for the needle.
That’s where MSK Doctors comes in.
Consult with these medical professionals to assess the viability of knee injections in your own case. MSK Doctors facilitates quick connections between online visitors and musculoskeletal experts situated on Harley Street and across the UK – it’s easy to link up with local professionals who can offer personalised advice!
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