If you were born 124 years ago, in 1900, your average life expectancy would be 32 years.
However, if you were born today, you would be expected to live until you’re around 87… or possibly forever. It depends on how well you take care of yourself, as Professor Paul Lee explains in his Regeneration Man program. Check it out at https://regenman.com
The TL;DR On How To Live Forever
The short version is simple – take care of yourself now, and when you live to an incredibly old age, your body will still be in good condition. Easy, right?
Obviously, not easy enough, because most folks don’t take care of themselves that well, and it’s going to become a problem as they age – but it doesn’t have to be like that.
With our current level of medical regeneration technology, we could be living much healthier, longer lives, if we tried. That’s not my opinion, that’s coming straight from the experts.
For all the details, including actionable steps you can take at home, and information about the latest, greatest, and most amazing medical discoveries, check out the full book. In the meantime, I’ll try to give you a brief summary.
Optimise Your Health To Improve Your Lifespan
When people ask me if it’s worth it, I always ask them one question.
“When you’re 85, 105, or 125, do you want to be weak, frail, and unhealthy – or still playing catch with your great-great-grandkids?”
The answer is obvious, we all want to be healthy, so how do we get there?
While there is no single factor that can be credited with lengthening the average lifespan, Professor Lee explores several of the most useful technologies, including how they are being used today and how they may expand in the future. The full Regeneration Man program also provides actionable steps you can take to improve your health, and extend your lifespan.
The process isn’t as easy as taking a pill every day, getting a medical procedure once a decade, or eating the right foods – but all of those might help. The truth is, there’s no such one-stop solution, because our bodies are pretty complicated.
The Science Of Super Ageing, Explained
In his new book, “Regeneration By Design: The Science of Superhuman Ageing,” Professor Lee covers advances in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, and how they relate to personal health and medical regeneration. The book explains that you too can live forever, or for a very long time, if you take the right steps to take care of yourself, starting as early as possible.
One technique described in the book, “Digital Twinning,” uses a combination of in-depth biometric data, constant tracking, and AI simulation to predict changes in your personal health as well as developing optimal personal fitness and diet routines. By regularly collecting and updating data in the simulations, experts believe they may be able to predict illness before it happens, or find the best possible treatments for each individual.
It’s not a real twin of course, but it is a more complete set of health data than any doctor ever has, and with current AI technology, the ability to monitor all of it, all the time, to watch for early warning signs. You could say it’s a bit like having a personal doctor watching all the time, and giving you tips for being just a bit healthier.
Who Is Professor Paul Lee?
If you haven’t heard of Professor Lee, then you probably haven’t been interested in medical regeneration long, because he’s “the person to talk to,” in this field. Not only has Professor Lee been working on medical regeneration for much of his career, but he’s also a specialist in several other related fields, and manages to bring them all under one roof.
His list of qualifications includes MBBch, MRCS, MFSEM (UK), MSc (Sports Med), PhD, FEBOT, and FRCS (Tr & Orth).
Professor Lee is renowned for his pioneering work in regenerative medicine, blending over two decades of elite sports and orthopaedic expertise with groundbreaking engineering insights. He is the visionary behind the Regeneration Principle, Motion Artificial Intelligence, Bio-markers, genetics and epigenetics, which are key components of his practice.
In short, he’s the Regeneration Man, and if you’re looking to live a longer, healthier life – Professor Paul Lee has the answers.
Check out the new Regeneration Man program, pick up his new book, or just browse the info available online to learn more, at https://regenman.com
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